vrijdag 20 mei 2011


Yeaaah I got my second film! It is partly random shots and partly photos of my holiday in Sicily. And yeah, it are 4 at the same time, I was too lazy to scan the photos one by one, because scanner is soooooooooo slow.

Eastereggs and coffee, mjammm.

If you look very closely you can see a flamingo in the left photo underneath! (that white-pink thing in the middle!)

THE LAST MAN ON EARTH! bambambamabaaaam!

The landscape of the mountains and two photos of the vulcano. It really looked like apocalypse on the vulcane, pretty creepy with all the fog and not a plant growing anywhere.

Hehe the flower photo is upside down, I was too lazy to change it, SORRY.

My sexy shoulder.

In Sicily, my parents.

By a lake close to my house and the view from the plane.
I think it is funny that you can see on the first cloud photo that the sky turns darker when on the top of the photo. You can really see that you get into the universe when you get higher.

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